Miyerkules, Hunyo 5, 2013

Deciding the Best

~Drawn by me kekekekeke~

     We've made it this far throughout life, and then wonder, "What if I'd done this instead?" "Would my life have turned out better than what it is?" We always want what's best for us, yet what if that "best" that we chose wasn't the best after all?

     Right now, I'm in my senior year of high school, which is, for most people, the most crucial stage of decision-making. I have to choose what course I'll take, which'll affect my whole life. There's so much decision making to do that my mind's running out of control... @_@

     Well, it's not like we do know what's best for us. If we did, our lives would've been perfect. This world we're living in is not Heaven, nor is it paradise; it's a world full of sin and darkness. How can one have a perfect life living with perfect decisions? It's just impossible.

    You may wonder how people like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates made it this far. They're rich and famous, what else could they ask for? Yes, they are at the peak of success right now, but how did they make it there? Think about it. They used all their blood, sweat, and tears to attain that pinnacle.

     Deciding is very important, it's what makes up life. But, if you truly want what's the best, you can't just wait for a miracle to happen. There's no such thing as the absolutely, awesomely best decision we've ever made in our life. Choosing our own paths require skill and hard-work. If we willingly take the risk and continue to persevere, we might have just chosen the best decision we've ever made.

     Being contented is also a key, for if we are contented with the decision we've made, then we wouldn't think of our decisions being wrong at all. 

    So don't be afraid in making the wrong decision. Instead, try to think about the many great possibilities that can come from your decision. You'll never know, what wrong decision you've made might actually lead to a much better lifestyle. And remember, if you keep doing your best, God will eventually find the perfect decision for your life.

Candy Crush Dilemma


      Y U NO CLEAR THAT ONE FREAKING JELLY?? I'm pretty sure about 50% or more Facebook users can relate to it. This mind-boggling, stressful game that's as addicting as crack......well, pretty much like a drug if you ask me. Hahaha. 

     Anyway, as we all know,  this game may be one hell of a headache, but it's a lot more than that. Have you ever heard of the "8 Life Lessons Taught by Candy Crush"? 

I love chocolate. How dare you call it evil. Ok, maybe in the game only. =3="

1) Life is equal parts fun and frustrating. It is full of challenges every step of the way, yet it can also be sweet and colorful!

~I believe I can fly~

     True story, bro. Life has its ups or downs, but that's just part of it. If you wanna live life, go through the downsides, for they lead to the upsides. Have you ever seen a newborn little bird fly? Well, no. They needed the patience and perseverance before they can soar through the blue, vast sky. Before getting waaaaaay up there, we have to start from the bottom.

2) Chocolate is evil. It will mess things up. 

by animecharactersdatabase.com
Why hello there, Mello.(Death Note)

     NO. Okay maybe partly true. Beware of diabetes and calories............and addiction. (= u =")

3)You won't always understand what's going on. That's fine, you're not expected to.
Say Wuuuut?

     I'm pretty sure you've experienced being confused. I mean, if you haven't, are you even human? Lol. Anyway, be it as small scale as a math problem, or as big scale as a life-or-death situation, they all involve one thing - deciding. It may be tough, even painful, but it's what life is all about. Life is made up of decisions; it makes you. From the moment where your parents decided everything for you, till the moment where it's your turn to choose a path. Just remember, God is always by your side, so don't be afraid, take risks, and with that, you're definitely living life. ;)

4 ) There will not always be friends who can help you out. It happens. Suck it up and wait.

~And friends are friends forever..~

     "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Such a familiar quote, yet such a rare occurrence. Out of all the friends you have, how many do you think are the real ones? Maybe a quarter? How lucky. A half? You Already. Having that many true friends can only be a fantasy. Where are your friends when you need them? Just wait and see.....true friends will eventually come by your side and help you out. 

5 ) Help friends as much as you can. Life is all about give and take after all.

Givin' is recievin'
     If you want help to come to you, then do it yourself. As the title says, it's what life is all about. "To give is to receive." So if you want others to help you, then help them as well. 

6 ) Ask friends for help when you need it. You’ll be surprised at how many are able and willing.

Everyone needs it.

     You've been through life this far. Think about it, have you ever accomplished anything on your own? If yes, then think again. All your success, achievements, triumphs....they were never done alone. Everyone helped you to be what you are right now. So don't be afraid to ask for help, because No Man is an Island.

7 ) Persistence is the key to success. If you persist long enough, one of these days you are bound to get it right somehow. Or get lucky. Or both.


     What to do when we don't succeed? Try and try again! Giving up is not an option. If you keep trying, you'll definitely get it right. In a life full of challenges, you will want to successfully finish all of them; but it's life we're talking about, so keep calm and do your best! :D

8 ) Life is not always fair. Sometimes you get lucky with a good board, sometimes you don’t. Deal with it.

     God didn't make life as a comfort zone, so you can't always expect everything to be fair. Like I said, life is full of upsides and downsides. If life were to be fair all the time, then where's the fun in living? There'll be no challenge at all, and our purpose in life will be void.

     Like this game, life itself is an extreme challenge. Everyday we face, every minute we see, every few seconds we breathe, everything, it's a challenge. Giving up in this game is easy, but what if we were to give up on life? You can pretty much visualize it; hopeless,penniless, useless...but what about lifeless? And by "lifeless", I mean it literally. Our bodies work hard everyday for us, and if they were to give up, then we wouldn't even live. 

     Patience, perseverance, understanding, and an optmisitic heart. That's what we need to endure the everyday challenges life has to offer. So even though you're not a Candy Crush fan, follow these eight life lessons, and you're sure to do well in life. (Yes, number 2 is counted.)

Credits to the maker of these 8 valuable life lessons *bows in respect* http://8list.ph/site/articles/8-life-lessons-taught-by-candy-crush-206.html

This New World Called Blogging

Ahh....blogging. I never thought I would come to this. I always thought that I was never fit for writing stuff like these, but here I am, writing the first blog I have ever written in my life. While I'm at it, I'll introduce a little about myself as well. I'm not saying my name, nor am I gonna say my origins. Just know that I'm a senior high school student in the Philippines (well right now I'm going there), an otaku (anime lover ;) ), a struggling dieter (who loves food ;___;), and most of all, a Christian. Well....that's all to know about me. :) So please do welcome me for I am not used to this yet, and forgive me for any unappealing blogs that I might do. In time, I shall get used to this *eyes burning with passion*